A lifelong student & devotee of The Great Mystery. Following the sacred path of plant medicine, herbalism and integrative dream work. Apprenticed with indigenous groups and plant medicines from the shipibo and Piaroa lineage.
An avid researcher and deep listener. Passionate about sharing ancient wisdom through the process of ritual, self re-discovery, and to share what has been learned and re-membered through my pathway. ancestral medicines align with my love to be in service to help others realize their own truth.
In service practicing deep listening in social & regenerative communities -Social impact groups include Fuerza de Amor, Invisible Children -Ugandan child soldiers (art therapy programs), the Mapuche tribe in Chile, Machi women, whose mission is to protect the livelihoods, well-being, cultural values of rural indigenous women globally through decolonization.
Creator of sensory experiences body, mind, soul, and Spirit. A guide for micro-dosing plant medicines. A mirror guide and practitioner of Psych-K ~ Your beliefs determine your biological and behavioral reality. You don't see the world as it is, you see the world as you are.
I love to create sensory experiences to detoxify mind, body, soul, and spirit. When our vessels are clean and functioning optimally our hearts and minds are in alignment. We are able to re-root, Transcend and achieve higher levels of Awareness and greater fulfillment in our lives and in turn to those around us. Re-creating our reality, to that more in tune with our Mother with a profound reverence for our earth and the feminine. A deep appreciation for the power of commUNITY to create everlasting healing. Within, and without.
If you feel called to work with me please reach out for some co-creation magic.
We are woven into the intricate web of life, where our ancestors' echoes resonate in every leaf and stream. As creators of our reality, the future unfolds in the now, where ananda—bliss—is our true destiny. In our purity of creative expression, we find our essence, deeply entangled with the natural world, reminding us that every breath we take is a sacred thread in the tapestry of existence.
Join me on a journey of exploration
I am passionate about guiding you through your transformation and breakthroughs.
My holistic approach encompasses the mind, body, soul, and spirit.
Transformative One-on-One Support
I am passionate about guiding you through your transformation and breakthroughs. My holistic approach encompasses the mind, body, soul, and spirit.
I guide you to deepen through medicine work with trusted authentic indigenous groups and elders and provide full integration support.
Personalized Support: I take the time to get to know you and delve deep into the areas where you seek assistance. Together, we can explore your goals and aspirations.
Anthroposophic Medicine (Anthropos = human being : Sophia = wisdom) is a form of medicine developed by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) that views the entire human being. The anthroposophic approach to medicine adds spiritual insight to diagnosis and healing and takes into account that human beings, nature and the cosmos are interrelated. Medicines used are taken from the realms of plants, animals, and minerals.
Subconscious Mind Re Patterning
PSYCH-K, is a unique and dynamic approach to personal development that combines principles from neuroscience, psychology, and kinesiology. Developed by Rob Williams, PSYCH-K® harnesses the innate wisdom of the subconscious mind to reprogram limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.
This process is facilitated through muscle testing and a series of techniques that communicate directly with the subconscious, allowing for rapid and effective change. I practice Psych-K with children, youth, and elders.
A simple, yet extremely effective process to transform limiting subconscious mind beliefs. A unique combination of both modern tools of transformation based on neuroscience as well as ancient mind-body wisdom.
A ground breaking process that helps transform the subconscious mind – which dictates 95% of our conscious reality. A process that goes beyond conventional techniques such as visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking.
Herbalism & Detoxification
As an experienced herbalist and detoxification guide, I provide tailored advice to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body, for cultivating a mindful and nourishing lifestyle.
Let's explore the nuances of your circadian rhythm and the rituals that shape your day, allowing you to embrace each day with a sense of purpose and vitality.
I guide you to find the right balance of nutrition with foods that nourish your being and body throughout the day unique to your needs, choosing foods that provide essential nutrients, that will offer sustained energy and support optimal functioning.
Guided Fasting:
“Fasting is the first principle of medicine; Fast and see the strength of the spirit reveal itself.” ~ Rumi
The principles of Fasting are needed today more than ever. The powerful art of fasting and its supreme role in regenerating the human body, mind, and spirit.
Cacao Medicine Circles
Elevate and Expand your Consciousness with Cacao. Discover Mental Clarity and Insights about yourself. Open your heart to the world of magic
Cacao contains over 300 compounds including theobromine, anandamide, and phenethylamine. Theobromine provides a calming effect without caffeine jitters. Instead of constricting your blood vessels like caffeine does, theobromine expands them. Anandamide and phenethylamine are natural "bliss chemicals"
Cacao has profound heart-opening and consciousness-raising properties. The synergistic effects of its 300+ compounds works to subtly shift mind and mood, calms the nervous system, and gently opens the heart.
Cacao contains a compound called epicatechin, which has been shown to stimulate the production of stem cells. This can promote tissue regeneration and improve overall cellular health and is packed with powerful compounds that can give your stem cells a boost.